This section plays a pivotal role for
providing the books to readers. The readers may contact
the librarian regarding the maters relating to library
membership, fine and clearance etc. the general books,
theses and old university calendars have been shelved in
the section. The new arrivals have been placed near the
library circulation counter of the Central Library. The
catalogue cards of Urdu have been arranged alphabetical
word by word to final out whether the library has a
particular book, or not and where to find it on the shelf.
The book may be traced out by consulting the catalogue
through its author, title or subject.
A monthly index covering 26 major headings
from three national English dailies published under the
title GCU Newspaper Index, dating back to 1998.
The press clipping headings are: Corruption,
Economics, Human Rights, International Issue,
International Relation, India Iran Relations, Kashmir
Issue, Nuclear Issue, Pakistan Economics, Pakistan India
Relation, Pakistan Politics, Political Science. The index
is also available in the electronic format on the GC
University web site.
ACCESS CATALOGUE (within the Library):
The Library maintains automated English
catalog containing bibliographic information of the books,
journals etc in the library. Database that is under
Library Management System (LMS) software is searchable on
ten Online Public Access Catalog (OPACs) terminals.
The remote access catalogue is under construction and will
be available on the Internet in near future.
WEB - (Remote Access)
Library's website is a one-stop information
solution. It is managed, maintained and organized by
University librarians and IT experts. It provides links to
almost all academic disciplines like Business, Economics,
Computer Science, Mathematics, Philosophy, Political Sc.,
Psychology, Education, English, Linguistics, Chemistry,
Botany, Zoology, Physics, Islamic Studies., Govt.
Departments, etc. on the web. The virtual library's pages
provide comprehensive startup point to access electronic
information and reference sources.
GCU Libraries provides its members with an
environment that is conducive not only for academic but
also climatic change. We manage cleanliness, prompt
accessibility as well as healthy air-conditioning. The key
objective of these continuous library efforts is to
enhance its hard and e-resources and also to improve its
services by capitalizing the options extended by the
traditional, professional and recent IT applications in
the libraries. This will enhance our archive and current
collection potential and will certainly help faculty boost
research activities. It provides one window instant access
to huge amounts of data and information remotely. It will
save a lot of time and energy of information seekers. This
is purely GC University Library product focused to serve
the Ravians, people of Pakistan, and International
Library provides the facility to get
connect Internet at both Central and Postgraduate
The library provides a wide range of user
education programs to enable them to use the library to
its optimum potential. The orientation programs at the
time of fresh admissions are conducted each year. Visitors
and delegates are also briefed by the senior staff.
This facility is available in the Central
and Postgraduate Library on payment basis, from where the
user can get the photocopy subject to the copyright law.
It is possible to enlarge and reduce copies. Colour
photocopying facility available in the Postgraduate
This facility is introduced to enhance the
library services for printing facilities students can
contact in-charge Internet lab Postgraduate Library.
Its function is to answer the reader's
reference questions. It also answers the questions as like
who is who, what is what, how and where etc, to save the
precious time of the users. The reference tools like
encyclopedias, dictionaries atlases etc, are placed in
this section. These books can be consulted within the
library. The services related to online resources have
also been introduced to facilitate the users.
"Who is ungrateful to man is also
ungrateful to Allah" (Hadith)
At the end I would like to take this
opportunity to extend our heartiest gratitude to the
Vice Chancellor GC University Lahore whose thoughtful
and overall interest, involvement and co-operation to
uplift the library services.
Chief Librarian & the Staff
GCU Libraries, Lahore